[seek-kr-sms] UI

Deana Pennington dpennington at lternet.edu
Tue Jun 8 14:04:24 PDT 2004

In thinking about the Kepler UI, it has occurred to me that it would 
really be nice if the ontologies that we construct to organize the 
actors into categories, could also be used in a high-level workflow 
design phase.  For example, in the niche modeling workflow, GARP, neural 
networks, GRASP and many other algorithms could be used for that one 
step in the workflow.  Those algorithms would all be organized under 
some high-level hierarchy ("StatisticalModels").  Another example is the 
Pre-sample step, where we are using the GARP pre-sample algorithm, but 
other sampling algorithms could be substituted.  There should be a 
high-level "Sampling" concept, under which different sampling algorithms 
would be organized.  During the design phase, the user could construct a 
workflow based on these high level concepts (Sampling and 
StatisticalModel), then bind an actor (already implemented or using 
Chad's new actor) in a particular view of that workflow.  So, a  
workflow would be designed at a high conceptual level, and have multiple 
views, binding different algorithms, and those different views would be 
logically linked through the high level workflow.  The immediate case is 
the GARP workflow we are designing will need another version for the 
neural network algorithm, and that version will be virtually an exact 
replicate except for that actor.  Seems like it would be better to have 
one workflow with different views...

I hope the above is coherent...in reading it, I'm not sure that it is  :-)



Deana D. Pennington, PhD
Long-term Ecological Research Network Office

UNM Biology Department
MSC03  2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131-0001

505-272-7288 (office)
505 272-7080 (fax)

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