[seek-kr-sms] [Ecolistsall] NCEAS Network downtime

Colby Walsworth walswort at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 26 15:45:07 PST 2004

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let all you developers that NCEAS network will be 
experiencing a brief downtime tomorrow morning from 5:30am -7:30am 
(pacific time). The UCSB campus is installing new networking hardware 
that will disrupt our network connectivity. Sorry about the inconvenience.


Colby Walsworth
System Administrator
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
735 State St., Suite 300
Santa Barbara, CA  93101-5504
phone: (805) 892-2507,  fax: (805) 892-2510
email:walswort at nceas.ucsb.edu  http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~walswort

            Dream as if you'll live forever.
             Live as if you'll die today.
                  --James Dean

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