[obs] new mailing list for discussing scientific observations models

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Oct 7 17:45:26 PDT 2010

Welcome to the new Observational Data discussion list, an open list for
discussing models, semantics, and exchange of observational scientific data.

You are getting this message because you are a member of one of three groups
focused on observational data models:
   Scientific Observations Network (SONet)
   TDWG Observations Task Group
   Joint Working Group on Observational Data Models and Semantics (JWG-ODMS)

We had a successful meeting at TDWG to discuss exchange syntax
standardization across observational data models, and I will be posting a
summary of that meeting soon.  In the meantime, I promised to organize a
mailing list that can be used to discuss all aspects of observational data
models, which I have done by setting up this mailing list:

    obs at ecoinformatics.org

You have been subscribed to this list, and you can change your subscription
options or unsubscribe here:


This is an open list, and anyone with an interest in observational data
models can subscribe and participate in the conversation.  We plan to use
this list as the main forum for discussing observational models within the
context of SONet, the TDWG Observations TG, and the JWG-ODMS.

So, welcome, and I look forward to the discussions.

Matt Jones
Director of Informatics R+D
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
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