r4610 - trunk/docs/user

walbridge at ecoinformatics.org walbridge at ecoinformatics.org
Fri Nov 21 10:41:34 PST 2008

Author: walbridge
Date: 2008-11-21 10:41:34 -0800 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 4610

Removed obsolete steps thanks to 1.9's new location of cgi-bin and the included Apache configuration

Modified: trunk/docs/user/registry_installation.html
--- trunk/docs/user/registry_installation.html	2008-11-21 18:32:59 UTC (rev 4609)
+++ trunk/docs/user/registry_installation.html	2008-11-21 18:41:34 UTC (rev 4610)
@@ -195,105 +195,9 @@
-      <p>As part of the Metacat setup, a property called
-      'inst.cgi.dir' is set, which controls the location the perl
-      scripts will be installed into, with a default of
-      '/var/www/cgi-knb'. To install the registry and the account
-      manager to this folder we'll run ant:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre><span class="type">cd</span> $METACAT
-<span class="type">sudo ant</span> install-registry
-<span class="type">sudo ant</span> insall-ldap
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>A registry instance can support one or more skins. Skins
-      provide a mechanism for giving a custom look to your Metacat
-      installation, but require integration work to initially
-      create. For this example, we'll use the <pre>nceas</pre>
-      skin provided with Metacat. First, we'll want to install the
-      skin:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre><span class="type">sudo ant</span> install-skin
-      <p>When prompted, type <pre><span class="string">nceas</span></pre>.</p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>Metacat uses the 'application.tempDir' property from 
-      metacat.properties to set a temporary
-      space to store uploaded files. If you'd like your registry to
-      allow file uploads, we'll need to make sure Apache can write
-      to it. The apache user varies from machine to machine, but
-      typically it will be either
-			<pre><code>www-data</code> or <code>apache</code></pre>. 
-			Once finding your appropriate apache
-      user, we'll want to change ownership of a few files, here
-      using the user <code>apache</code>:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre><span class="type">sudo chown</span> apache /tmp/knb
-      <p>Each skin has a 'lastid' file, which controls which the
-      accession numbers metacat generates. As with the temporary
-      folder, we'll want the registry to be able to write to this
-      file, replacing the skin name with the skin you're planning
-      on using:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre>sudo touch /var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/style/skins/nceas/nceas.lastid
-sudo chown apache /var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/style/skins/nceas/nceas.lastid
-      <p>You'll need to have one lastid file for each skin your
-      site will support.</p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>Configure Apache to serve up the pages we've just
-      configured. In your httpd.conf or equivalent, add:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre>ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-knb/"
-&lt;Directory "/var/www/cgi-knb"&gt;
-    AllowOverride None
-    Options ExecCGI
-    Order allow,deny
-    Allow from all
-      <p>Then reload Apache:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre>/etc/init.d/httpd reload
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>Change owner and access permission of some credential files:</p>
-      <blockquote>
-<pre>cd /webapps/knb/style/skins/</pre>
-<pre>find . -name "*.cfg" -exec chmod 600 {} \;</pre>
-<pre>find . -name "*.cfg" -exec chown apache {} \;</pre>
-<p>Note: "/webapps/knb" is subject to change base on your configuration.</p>
-<p>         "apache" user is the one who runs httpd server.</p>
-      <p>Those commands will make the files which contain credentials are not accessible
-      from web browsers. </p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
       <p>Now visit the resulting URL:</p>
@@ -317,9 +221,9 @@
       oracle website</a>.</p>
-<pre>rpm -i oracle-instantclient-basic-
-rpm -i oracle-instantclient-devel-
-rpm -i oracle-instantclient-sqlplus-
+<pre><span class="type">rpm -i</span> oracle-instantclient-basic-
+<span class="type">rpm -i</span> oracle-instantclient-devel-
+<span class="type">rpm -i</span> oracle-instantclient-sqlplus-
@@ -329,8 +233,8 @@
       Oracle to locate the server we're connecting to. In this
       example, we'll copy it from a remote location:</p>
-<pre>mkdir -p /usr/lib/oracle/ &amp;&amp; cd !$
-scp walbridge at knb.ecoinformatics.org:/usr/lib/oracle/ .
+<pre><span class="type">mkdir -p</span> /usr/lib/oracle/ &amp;&amp; <span class="type">cd !$</span>
+<span class="type">scp</span> walbridge at knb.ecoinformatics.org:/usr/lib/oracle/ .

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