[metacat-cvs] metacat/src/perl register-dataset.cgi

Saurabh Garg sgarg at ecoinformatics.org
Mon Nov 28 14:47:30 PST 2005

sgarg       05/11/28 14:47:30

  Modified:    src/perl register-dataset.cgi
  New functions in the dataset registry to support moderation feature needed for ESA
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.60      +675 -69   metacat/src/perl/register-dataset.cgi
  Index: register-dataset.cgi
  RCS file: /cvs/metacat/src/perl/register-dataset.cgi,v
  retrieving revision 1.59
  retrieving revision 1.60
  diff -u -r1.59 -r1.60
  --- register-dataset.cgi	4 Oct 2005 19:20:45 -0000	1.59
  +++ register-dataset.cgi	28 Nov 2005 22:47:30 -0000	1.60
  @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
   #  Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California 
   #   '$Author: sgarg $'
  -#     '$Date: 2005/10/04 19:20:45 $'
  -# '$Revision: 1.59 $' 
  +#     '$Date: 2005/11/28 22:47:30 $'
  +# '$Revision: 1.60 $' 
   # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
   use Template;
   use Net::SMTP;
   use CGI qw/:standard :html3/;
  +use CGI::Session;
   use strict;
   # Global configuration paramters
  @@ -84,9 +85,10 @@
   $config->define("hasMethod", { DEFAULT => 'true'} );
   $config->define("temporalRequired", { DEFAULT => 'true'} );
   $config->define("spatialRequired", { DEFAULT => 'true'} );
  +$config->define("contactEmailAddressRequired", { DEFAULT => 'false'} );
   $config->define("publicReadable", { DEFAULT => 'true'} );
  -$config->define("accessPrincipals", { DEFAULT => ''} );
  -$config->define("accessType", { DEFAULT => ''} );
  +$config->define("moderators", { DEFAULT => ''} );
  +$config->define("moderatorPermission", { DEFAULT => ''} );
  @@ -99,8 +101,10 @@
   $config->define("responseTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
   $config->define("entryFormTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
   $config->define("guideTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
  +$config->define("loginFormTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
   $config->define("confirmDataTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
   $config->define("deleteDataTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
  +$config->define("modNotificationTemplate", { DEFAULT => 'crap.tmpl'} );
   $config->define("debug", { DEFAULT => '0'} );
   $config->define("lat", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} );
   $config->define("lon", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} );
  @@ -127,7 +131,9 @@
   my $entryFormTemplate = $config->entryFormTemplate();
   my $deleteDataTemplate = $config->deleteDataTemplate();
   my $guideTemplate = $config->guideTemplate();
  +my $loginFormTemplate = $config->loginFormTemplate();
   my $confirmDataTemplate = $config->confirmDataTemplate();
  +my $modNotificationTemplate = $config->modNotificationTemplate();
   my $accesspubid = $config->accesspubid();
   my $accesssysid = $config->accesssysid();
   my $datasetpubid = $config->datasetpubid();
  @@ -144,9 +150,10 @@
   my $hasMethod = $config->hasMethod();
   my $temporalRequired = $config->temporalRequired();
   my $spatialRequired = $config->spatialRequired();
  +my $contactEmailAddressRequired = $config->contactEmailAddressRequired();
   my $publicReadable = $config->publicReadable();
  -my $accessPrincipals = $config->accessPrincipals();
  -my $accessType = $config->accessType();
  +my $moderators = $config->moderators();
  +my $moderatorPermission = $config->moderatorPermission();
   my $mailhost = $config->mailhost();
   my $sender = $config->sender();
   my $recipient = $config->recipient();
  @@ -162,7 +169,7 @@
   my $debug = $config->debug();
   my $lat = $config->get('lat');
   my $lon = $config->get('lon');
  +$debug = 1;
   # Convert the lat and lon configs into usable data structures
   my @sitelist;
   my %siteLatDMS;
  @@ -185,8 +192,6 @@
   # create an instance of the template processor
   my $template = Template->new($ttConfig) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n";
  -print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
   # Set up the template information that is common to all forms
   $$templateVars{'cfg'} = $FORM::cfg;
   $$templateVars{'recipient'} = $recipient;
  @@ -198,6 +203,38 @@
   debug("Registry: Initialized");
   # Process the form based on stage parameter. 
  +if ($FORM::stage =~ "loginform") {
  +    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +    # Send back the login form.....
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load() or die CGI::Session->errstr();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty ) {
  +		# no session found ... redirect to login page template
  +        $template->process( $loginFormTemplate, $templateVars);
  +    } else {
  +		# session found ... delete the session....
  +	    $session->delete();
  +		$template->process( $loginFormTemplate, $templateVars);
  +    }
  +	exit(0);
  +} elsif ($FORM::stage =~ "logout") {
  +	handleLogoutRequest();
  +  	exit(0);
  +} elsif ($FORM::stage =~ "login") {
  +	handleLoginRequest();
  +  	exit(0);
  +} elsif ($FORM::stage =~ "mod_accept") {
  +	handleModAccept();
  +  	exit(0);
  +} elsif ($FORM::stage =~ "mod_decline") {
  +	handleModDecline();
  +  	exit(0);
  +} elsif ($FORM::stage =~ "mod_revise") {
  +	handleModRevise();
  +  	exit(0);
  +print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
   if ($FORM::stage =~ "guide") {
       # Send back the information on how to fill the form
       $$templateVars{'section'} = "Guide on How to Complete Registry Entries";
  @@ -277,6 +314,7 @@
       $$templateVars{'hasMethod'} = $hasMethod;
       $$templateVars{'temporalRequired'} = $temporalRequired;
       $$templateVars{'spatialRequired'} = $spatialRequired;
  +    $$templateVars{'contactEmailAddressRequired'} = $contactEmailAddressRequired;
       $$templateVars{'siteList'} = \@sortedSites;
       $$templateVars{'section'} = "Entry Form";
  @@ -516,6 +554,7 @@
     my $xmldoc = shift;
     my $docid = shift;
  +  debug("Trying to insert the following document");
     my $notunique = "SUCCESS";
     debug("Registry: Starting insert (D1)");
     my $response = $metacat->insert($docid, $xmldoc);
  @@ -751,6 +790,8 @@
       push(@invalidParams, "Last name of data set contact is missing.")
       unless (hasContent($FORM::origNamelastContact) || 
  +    push(@invalidParams, "Email address of data set contact is missing.")
  +    unless (hasContent($FORM::origEmailContact) || $FORM::contactEmailAddressRequired ne 'true' );
       push(@invalidParams, "Data medium is missing.")
       unless (hasContent($FORM::dataMedium) || $FORM::dataMedium =~ /elect/);
       push(@invalidParams, "Usage rights are missing.")
  @@ -1425,20 +1466,31 @@
       $doc .= "<principal>$username</principal>\n";
       $doc .= "<permission>all</permission>\n";
       $doc .= "</allow>\n";
  -    $doc .= "<allow>\n";
  -    $doc .= "<principal>uid=$FORM::username,o=$FORM::organization,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org</principal>\n";
  -    $doc .= "<permission>all</permission>\n";
  -    $doc .= "</allow>\n";
  -    if($publicReadable eq "true"){
  +    if($moderators eq ''){
       	$doc .= "<allow>\n";
  -    	$doc .= "<principal>public</principal>\n";
  -    	$doc .= "<permission>read</permission>\n";
  +    	$doc .= "<principal>uid=$FORM::username,o=$FORM::organization,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org</principal>\n";
  +    	$doc .= "<permission>all</permission>\n";
       	$doc .= "</allow>\n";
  +    } else {
  +    	foreach(split(":",$moderators)){
  +    	    $doc .= "<allow>\n";
  +    	    $doc .= "<principal>".$_."</principal>\n";
  +    	    $doc .= "<permission>".$moderatorPermission."</permission>\n";
  +    	    $doc .= "</allow>\n";
  +        }
  +   		$doc .= "<allow>\n";
  +   		$doc .= "<principal>uid=$FORM::username,o=$FORM::organization,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org</principal>\n";
  +   		$doc .= "<permission>read</permission>\n";
  +   		$doc .= "<permission>write</permission>\n";
  +   		$doc .= "</allow>\n";
  -    foreach(split(":",$accessPrincipals)){
  +    if($publicReadable eq "true"){
       	$doc .= "<allow>\n";
  -    	$doc .= "<principal>".$_."</principal>\n";
  -    	$doc .= "<permission>".$accessType."</permission>\n";
  +    	$doc .= "<principal>public</principal>\n";
  +    	$doc .= "<permission>read</permission>\n";
       	$doc .= "</allow>\n";
       $doc .= "</access>\n";
  @@ -1449,54 +1501,11 @@
  -# send an email message notifying the moderator of a new submission 
  -sub sendNotification {
  -    my $identifier = shift;
  -    my $mailhost = shift;
  -    my $sender = shift;
  -    my $recipient = shift;
  +sub readDocumentFromMetacat(){
  -    my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost);
  -    $smtp->mail($sender);
  -    $smtp->to($recipient);
  -    my $message = <<"    ENDOFMESSAGE";
  -    To: $recipient
  -    From: $sender
  -    Subject: New data submission
  -    Data was submitted to the data registry.  
  -    The identifying information for the new data set is:
  -    Identifier: $identifier
  -    Title: $FORM::title
  -    Submitter: $FORM::providerGivenName $FORM::providerSurName
  -    Please review the submmission and grant public read access if appropriate.
  -    Thanks
  -    $message =~ s/^[ \t\r\f]+//gm;
  -    $smtp->data($message);
  -    $smtp->quit;
  -# read the eml document and send back a form with values filled in. 
  -sub modifyData {
  +    my $docid = $FORM::docid;
       # create metacat instance
       my $metacat;
  -    my $docid = $FORM::docid;
       my $httpMessage;
       my $doc;
       my $xmldoc;
  @@ -1602,17 +1611,28 @@
               #open (TFILE,">$tempfile") || die ("Cant open xml file...\n");
               #print TFILE $stylesheet->output_string($resultsheet);
  -            getFormValuesFromEml2($resultsheet);
               # Delete the files written earlier. 
               unlink @fileArray;
  -        } else {
  -            getFormValuesFromEml2($xmldoc);
  +            return $resultsheet;
  -    }   
  +    }
  +    return $xmldoc;
  +# read the eml document and send back a form with values filled in. 
  +sub modifyData {
  +    my $xmldoc = readDocumentFromMetacat();    	
  +    getFormValuesFromEml2($xmldoc);
       if (scalar(@errorMessages)) {
           # if any errors, print them in the response template 
           $$templateVars{'status'} = 'failure_no_resubmit';
  @@ -1656,6 +1676,7 @@
       $$templateVars{'hasTaxonomic'} = $hasTaxonomic;
       $$templateVars{'hasMethod'} = $hasMethod;
       $$templateVars{'spatialRequired'} = $spatialRequired;
  +    $$templateVars{'contactEmailAddressRequired'} = $contactEmailAddressRequired;
       $$templateVars{'temporalRequired'} = $temporalRequired;
       # find out the tag <alternateIdentifier>. 
  @@ -2395,6 +2416,575 @@
  +# function to handle login request  
  +sub handleLoginRequest(){
  +    # Check if a session already exists
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load() or die CGI::Session->errstr();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty ) {
  +        # no session found ... check if the login is correct
  +		my $username = $FORM::username;
  +		my $password = $FORM::password;
  +		debug($username);
  +		debug($password);
  +		my $metacat = Metacat->new();
  +		if ($metacat) {
  +        	$metacat->set_options( metacatUrl => $metacatUrl );
  +    	} else {
  +        	#die "failed during metacat creation\n";
  +        	push(@errorMessages, "Failed during metacat creation.");
  +    	}
  +		my $returnVal = $metacat->login($username,$password);
  +		debug($returnVal);
  +        if($returnVal > 0){
  +		# valid username and passwd
  +		# create a new session and store username and passswd
  +		$session = new CGI::Session();
  +		$session->param('username', $username);
  +		$session->param('password', $password);
  +		if($returnVal == 2 || $returnVal == 4){
  +			# is a moderator. store this information in the session
  +			$session->param('moderator', 'true');	
  +		}
  +		# send redirect to metacat and action = login
  +		my $html = "<html><head>";
  +    		$html .= "</head><body onload=\"document.loginForm.submit()\">";
  +		$html .= "<form name=\"loginForm\" method=\"post\" action=\"@systemidserver@@servlet-path@\">";
  +		$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"login\" />";
  +		$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"".$FORM::username."\" />";
  +		$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"".$FORM::password."\" />";
  +		$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"qformat\" value=\"".$FORM::cfg."\" />";
  +		$html .= "</form></body></html>";
  +		debug($html); 
  +		debug($session->header());
  +		print $session->header();
  +		print $html;
  +	} else {
  +		# send back the error template with error message as wrong username password
  +		# push(@errorMessages, $metacat->getMessage());
  +		print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +        	push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");
  +        	$$templateVars{'status'} = 'login_failure';
  +        	$$templateVars{'errorMessages'} = \@errorMessages;
  +        	$$templateVars{'cfg'} = $FORM::cfg;
  +        	$$templateVars{'section'} = "Login Status";
  +        	$template->process( $responseTemplate, $templateVars);
  +	}
  +        exit(0);
  +    } else {
  +        # session found ... redirect to index page
  +        my $url = "@systemidserver@@style-skins-path@/".$FORM::cfg."/index.html";
  +	redirect($url);
  +	exit(0);
  +   }
  +# function to handle logout request  
  +sub handleLogoutRequest(){
  +    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +	# Check if the session exists
  +	debug("Stage is logout");
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty || $session->is_expired) {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +	    debug("Session empty or not found");
  +  	    my $url = "@systemidserver@@style-skins-path@/".$FORM::cfg."/index.html";
  +	    redirect($url);
  +        # should logout request be sent to metacat??? 
  +	} else {
  +	    # get the user name and delete the session
  +	    debug("Session found");
  +  	    my $uname = $session->param("username");
  +	    $session->delete();
  +	    # send redirect to metacat and action = login
  + 	    my $html = "<html><head>";
  +   	    $html .= "</head><body onload=\"document.loginForm.submit()\">";
  + 	    $html .= "<form name=\"loginForm\" method=\"post\" action=\"@systemidserver@@servlet-path@\">";
  +	    $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"logout\" />";
  +	    $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"".$uname."\" />";
  +	    $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"qformat\" value=\"".$FORM::cfg."\" />";
  +	    $html .= "</form></body></html>";
  +	    debug($html); 
  +	    print($html);
  +	}
  +# function to handle accept request for moderator  
  +sub handleModAccept(){
  +	my $metacat;
  +    $metacat = Metacat->new();
  +    if ($metacat) {
  +        $metacat->set_options( metacatUrl => $metacatUrl );
  +    } else {
  +        #die "failed during metacat creation\n";
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed during metacat creation.");
  +    }
  +    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +    # Check if the session exists
  +    debug("Stage is mod_accept");
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty || $session->is_expired) {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +    # check if logged in user is moderator
  +	my $moderator = $session->param("moderator");
  +    if ( $moderator ne 'true') {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +	    debug("Logged in user is not moderator");
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Logged in user is not moderator. Please login again as moderator\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +    # change the access rules
  +    ## create the access block
  +    my $accessblock = '';
  +    $accessblock .= "<access authSystem=\"knb\" order=\"denyFirst\">\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "<allow>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "<principal>$username</principal>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "<permission>all</permission>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "</allow>\n";
  +    foreach(split(":",$moderators)){
  +   	$accessblock .= "<allow>\n";
  +   	$accessblock .= "<principal>".$_."</principal>\n";
  +   	$accessblock .= "<permission>".$moderatorPermission."</permission>\n";
  +   	$accessblock .= "</allow>\n";
  +    }
  +    $accessblock .= "<allow>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "<principal>public</principal>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "<permission>read</permission>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "</allow>\n";
  +    $accessblock .= "</access>\n";
  +    ## read the document from 
  +    my $docFromMetacat = readDocumentFromMetacat();
  +    my ($emldoc, $temp) = split('<access authSystem=', $docFromMetacat);
  +    $emldoc .= $accessblock;
  +    $emldoc .= "</dataset>\n</eml:eml>\n";
  +    debug("Document created by handleModAccept is " . $emldoc);
  +    # update the document
  +    my $docid = $FORM::docid;
  +    my $x;
  +    my $y;
  +    my $z;
  +    ($x, $y, $z) = split(/\./, $docid); 
  +    $z++;
  +    $docid = "$x.$y.$z";
  +    $emldoc =~ s/packageId=\"docid\"/packageId=\"$docid\"/;
  +    my $response = $metacat->update($docid, $emldoc);
  +    if (! $response) {
  +        debug("Error while updating in handleModAccept.");
  +    	push(@errorMessages, $metacat->getMessage());
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed while updating.\n");  
  +		############ TODO: need for proper error message
  +	}
  +	# get the contact email address from the 
  +    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  +   	my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_string($emldoc);
  +   	if ($xmldoc eq "" || $doc=~ /<error/) {
  +		# not able to parse
  +       	push(@errorMessages, "Error in reading the docid:".$docid."\n");
  +	} else {
  +	    my $findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/contact');
  +	    if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +			# found contact email address
  +			my $node = '';
  +			foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +				$contactEmailAddress = findValue($node,'electronicMailAddress');
  +				my $surName = findValue($node,'individualName/surName');
  +				my $givenName = findValue($node,'individualName/givenName');
  +				my $organizationName = findValue($node,'organizaitionName');
  +				if($surName ne ''){
  +					$contactName = $givenName.' '.$surName;
  +				} else {
  +					$contactName = $organizationName;
  +				}
  +			}
  +		} else {
  +			$contactEmailAddress = '';
  +		}
  +    	$findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/title');
  +		if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +			# found title
  +			my $node = '';
  +			foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +				$title = findValue($node,'../title');
  +			}
  +		} else {
  +			$title = '';
  +		}
  +	}	
  +    # send notification to the user and the moderator
  +    if (!scalar(@errorMessages)) {
  +		# send notifications
  +		mod_sendNotification($title, $contactEmailAddress, $contactName, 'Document '.$FORM::docid.' Accepted');
  +	    $$templateVars{'function'} = "deleted";
  +	    $$templateVars{'section'} = "Deletion Status";
  +	    $template->process( $responseTemplate, $templateVars);
  +    } else {
  +		############ TODO: need for proper error message
  +		processErrorTemplate('failure', '', 'Unable to delete the document');		
  +	}
  +# function to handle decline request for moderator  
  +sub handleModDecline(){
  +	my $metacat;
  +    $metacat = Metacat->new();
  +    if ($metacat) {
  +        $metacat->set_options( metacatUrl => $metacatUrl );
  +    } else {
  +        #die "failed during metacat creation\n";
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed during metacat creation.");
  +    }
  +    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +    # Check if the session exists
  +    debug("Stage is mod_decline");
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty || $session->is_expired) {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +    # check if logged in user is moderator
  +	my $moderator = $session->param("moderator");
  +    if ( $moderator ne 'true') {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +	    debug("Logged in user is not moderator");
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Logged in user is not moderator. Please login again as moderator\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +	# variables for contact information
  +	my $contactEmailAddress;
  +	my $contactName;
  +	my $title;
  +	# Log into metacat
  +    my $username = $session->param("username");
  +    my $password = $session->param("password");
  +    my $response = $metacat->login($username, $password);
  +	if (! $response) {
  +    # Could not login
  +        push(@errorMessages, $metacat->getMessage());
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");
  +    } else {
  +		# read the document and get the contact name and address
  +	    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  +    	my $docid = $FORM::docid;
  +		$response = $metacat->read($docid);
  + 		my $doc = $response->content();
  +    	my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_string($doc);
  +    	if ($xmldoc eq "" || $doc=~ /<error/) {
  +			# not able to parse
  +	       	push(@errorMessages, "Error in reading the docid:".$docid."\n");
  +		} else {
  +		    my $findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/contact');
  +		    if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +				# found contact email address
  +				my $node = '';
  +				foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +					$contactEmailAddress = findValue($node,'electronicMailAddress');
  +					my $surName = findValue($node,'individualName/surName');
  +					my $givenName = findValue($node,'individualName/givenName');
  +					my $organizationName = findValue($node,'organizaitionName');
  +					if($surName ne ''){
  +						$contactName = $givenName.' '.$surName;
  +					} else {
  +						$contactName = $organizationName;
  +					}
  +				}
  +			} else {
  +				$contactEmailAddress = '';
  +			}
  +	    	$findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/title');
  +			if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +				# found title
  +				my $node = '';
  +				foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +					$title = findValue($node,'../title');
  +				}
  +			} else {
  +				$title = '';
  +			}
  +		}
  +	    #$response = $metacat->delete($docid);
  +	   	if (!$response) {
  +	       	debug("Error while deleting document in handleModDecline.");
  +	    	push(@errorMessages, $metacat->getMessage());
  +	       	push(@errorMessages, "Failed during deleting $docid. Please check if you are authorized to delete this document.\n"); 
  +	    } else {
  +			debug("Document deleted by handleModDecline is " . $docid);	
  +		}
  +	}
  +    if (!scalar(@errorMessages)) {
  +		# send notifications
  +		mod_sendNotification($title, $contactEmailAddress, $contactName, 'Document '.$FORM::docid.' Rejected');
  +	    $$templateVars{'function'} = "deleted";
  +	    $$templateVars{'section'} = "Deletion Status";
  +	    $template->process( $responseTemplate, $templateVars);
  +    } else {
  +		############ TODO: need for proper error message
  +		processErrorTemplate('failure', '', 'Unable to delete the document');		
  +	}
  +# function to handle revise request for moderator  
  +sub handleModRevise(){
  +	my $metacat;
  +    $metacat = Metacat->new();
  +    if ($metacat) {
  +        $metacat->set_options( metacatUrl => $metacatUrl );
  +    } else {
  +        #die "failed during metacat creation\n";
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed during metacat creation.");
  +    }
  +    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  +    # Check if the session exists
  +    debug("Stage is mod_revise");
  +    my $session = CGI::Session->load();
  +    if ( $session->is_empty || $session->is_expired) {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +    # check if logged in user is moderator
  +	my $moderator = $session->param("moderator");
  +    if ( $moderator ne 'true') {
  +        # no session found ... send back to index.html page ... 
  +	    debug("Logged in user is not moderator");
  +		push(@errorMessages, "Logged in user is not moderator. Please login again as moderator\n");    
  +		processErrorTemplate('login_failure', 'loginform', 'Login Status');
  +		return;
  +    } 
  +	# variables for contact information
  +	my $contactEmailAddress;
  +	my $contactName;
  +	my $title;
  +	# Log into metacat
  +    my $username = $session->param("username");
  +    my $password = $session->param("password");
  +    my $response = $metacat->login($username, $password);
  +	if (! $response) {
  +    # Could not login
  +        push(@errorMessages, $metacat->getMessage());
  +        push(@errorMessages, "Failed during login.\n");
  +    } else {
  +		# read the document and get the contact name and address
  +	    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  +    	my $docid = $FORM::docid;
  +		$response = $metacat->read($docid);
  + 		my $doc = $response->content();
  +    	my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_string($doc);
  +    	if ($xmldoc eq "" || $doc=~ /<error/) {
  +			# not able to parse
  +	       	push(@errorMessages, "Error in reading the docid:".$docid."\n");
  +		} else {
  +		    my $findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/contact');
  +		    if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +				# found contact email address
  +				my $node = '';
  +				foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +					$contactEmailAddress = findValue($node,'electronicMailAddress');
  +					my $surName = findValue($node,'individualName/surName');
  +					my $givenName = findValue($node,'individualName/givenName');
  +					my $organizationName = findValue($node,'organizaitionName');
  +					if($surName ne ''){
  +						$contactName = $givenName.' '.$surName;
  +					} else {
  +						$contactName = $organizationName;
  +					}
  +				}
  +			} else {
  +				$contactEmailAddress = '';
  +			}
  +	    	$findNodes = $xmldoc->findnodes('//dataset/title');
  +			if($findNodes->size() > 0){
  +				# found title
  +				my $node = '';
  +				foreach $node ($findNodes->get_nodelist) {
  +					$title = findValue($node,'../title');
  +				}
  +			} else {
  +				$title = '';
  +			}
  +		}
  +	}
  +	# send notifications
  +	mod_sendNotification($title, $contactEmailAddress, $contactName, "Revise document: ".$FORM::docid);
  +    $$templateVars{'function'} = "deleted";
  +    $$templateVars{'section'} = "Deletion Status";
  +    $template->process( $responseTemplate, $templateVars);
  +# send an email message to the moderator and the contact 
  +sub mod_sendNotification {
  +	my $title = shift;
  +	my $contactEmailAddress = shift;
  +	my $contactName = shift;
  +	my $subject = shift;
  +	debug($subject);
  +    # send notification to the user and the moderator
  +	my $templateVars = { 'stage' => $FORM::stage };
  +	$$templateVars{'recipient'} = $recipient;
  +	$$templateVars{'sender'} = $sender;
  +	$$templateVars{'docid'} = $FORM::docid;
  +	$$templateVars{'comment'} = $FORM::comment;
  +	$$templateVars{'contactName'} = $contactName;
  +	$$templateVars{'dpTitle'} = $title;
  +	$$templateVars{'recipient_status'} = 'moderator';
  +	sendNotification($mailhost, $sender, $recipient, $subject, 
  +							$modNotificationTemplate, $templateVars);
  +	if($contactEmailAddress ne ''){
  +		# send notification to contact email address specified in cfg   
  +		$$templateVars{'recipient'} = $contactEmailAddress;
  +		$$templateVars{'recipient_status'} = 'user';
  +		sendNotification($mailhost, $sender, $contactEmailAddress, 
  +				$subject, $modNotificationTemplate, $templateVars);
  +	}
  +# send an email message notifying the moderator of a new submission 
  +sub sendNotification {
  +    my $mailhost = shift;
  +    my $sender = shift;
  +    my $recipient = shift;
  +	my $subject = shift;
  +    my $templateForm = shift;
  +    my $templateVars = shift;
  +	debug($mailhost);
  +	debug($sender);
  +	debug($recipient);
  +	debug($subject);
  +    my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost);
  +    $smtp->mail($sender);
  +    $smtp->to($recipient);
  +	$smtp->data;
  +	$smtp->datasend("From: $sender\n");
  +	$smtp->datasend("To: <$recipient>\n");
  +	$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
  +	$smtp->datasend("\n");
  +    my $message;
  +	$template->process($templateForm, $templateVars,\$message);
  +    $smtp->datasend($message);
  +	$smtp->dataend();
  +    $smtp->quit;
  +sub processErrorTemplate(){
  +	my $status = shift;
  +	my $function = shift;
  +	my $section = shift;
  +	$$templateVars{'status'} = $status;
  +    $$templateVars{'function'} = $function;
  +	$$templateVars{'errorMessages'} = \@errorMessages;
  +    $$templateVars{'cfg'} = $FORM::cfg;
  +    $$templateVars{'section'} = $section;
  +    $template->process( $responseTemplate, $templateVars);
  @@ -2594,6 +3184,7 @@
       $$templateVars{'hasTaxonomic'} = $FORM::hasTaxonomic;
       $$templateVars{'hasMethod'} = $FORM::hasMethod;
       $$templateVars{'spatialRequired'} = $FORM::spatialRequired;
  +    $$templateVars{'contactEmailAddressRequired'} = $FORM::contactEmailAddressRequired;
       $$templateVars{'temporalRequired'} = $FORM::temporalRequired;
       $$templateVars{'docid'} = $FORM::docid;
  @@ -2791,6 +3382,7 @@
       $$templateVars{'hasTaxonomic'} = $FORM::hasTaxonomic;
       $$templateVars{'hasMethod'} = $FORM::hasMethod;
       $$templateVars{'spatialRequired'} = $FORM::spatialRequired;
  +    $$templateVars{'contactEmailAddressRequired'} = $FORM::contactEmailAddressRequired;
       $$templateVars{'temporalRequired'} = $FORM::temporalRequired;
  @@ -2907,6 +3499,20 @@
   #    print $deg." ".$min." ".$sec;
   #    print "\n";
  +# print redirect html code
  +sub redirect(){
  +    my $url = shift;
  +    print "<head>";
  +    print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=".$url."\">";
  +    print "</head><body></body></html>"; 

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