[metacat-cvs] metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat AccessionNumber.java AccessionNumberGeneratedException.java

Matthew Jones jones at ecoinformatics.org
Fri Nov 18 16:44:23 PST 2005

jones       05/11/18 16:44:23

  Modified:    src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat AccessionNumber.java
  Removed:     src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat
  Cleaned up AccessionNumber class to get rid of unused methods.  It seems the entire accession_number table is no longer used but has not been deleted from the build.  Will do in subsequent commit.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.35      +6 -174    metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/AccessionNumber.java
  Index: AccessionNumber.java
  RCS file: /cvs/metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/AccessionNumber.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.34
  retrieving revision 1.35
  diff -u -r1.34 -r1.35
  --- AccessionNumber.java	24 Aug 2004 22:35:02 -0000	1.34
  +++ AccessionNumber.java	19 Nov 2005 00:44:23 -0000	1.35
  @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
    *    Authors: Jivka Bojilova, Matt Jones
    *    Release: @release@
  - *   '$Author: sgarg $'
  - *     '$Date: 2004/08/24 22:35:02 $'
  - * '$Revision: 1.34 $'
  + *   '$Author: jones $'
  + *     '$Date: 2005/11/19 00:44:23 $'
  + * '$Revision: 1.35 $'
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  @@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
   package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat;
  -import java.net.*;
  -import java.sql.*;
  +import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  +import java.sql.ResultSet;
  +import java.sql.SQLException;
   import edu.ucsb.nceas.dbadapter.AbstractDatabase;
  @@ -45,7 +46,6 @@
     private static final AbstractDatabase dbAdapter = MetaCatUtil.dbAdapter;
  -  //private Connection conn = null;
     private String sitecode = null;
     private String sep = null;
     private String docid = null;
  @@ -54,23 +54,10 @@
      * Construct an AccessionNumber
  -  //public AccessionNumber ()
  -         //throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
  -  //{
  -    // Open a connection to the database from here
  -    //this((new MetaCatUtil()).openDBConnection());
  -  //}
  -  /**
  -   * Construct an AccessionNumber
  -   *
  -   * @param conn the db connection to read from and write Accession# to
  -   */
  -  public AccessionNumber ()
  +  private AccessionNumber ()
       this.sitecode = MetaCatUtil.getOption("sitecode");
       this.sep = MetaCatUtil.getOption("accNumSeparator");
  -    //this.conn = conn;
  @@ -173,129 +160,6 @@
  -  /**
  -   * Generate an Accession Number of form <sidecode>.<uniqueid>.<revisionid>
  -   * where <revisionid> is always 1.
  -   *
  -   * @param docid <sitecode>.<uniqueid> part of Accession Number
  -   * @param action INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE action
  -   */
  -  public String generate(String docid, String action)
  -                throws AccessionNumberException, SQLException
  -  {
  -    return generate(docid, "1", action);
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Generate an Accession Number of form <sidecode>.<uniqueid>.<revisionid>
  -   *
  -   * @param docid <sitecode>.<uniqueid> part of Accession Number
  -   * @param rev <revisionid> of Accession Number
  -   * @param action INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE action
  -   */
  -  public String generate(String docid, String rev, String action)
  -                throws AccessionNumberException, SQLException
  -  {
  -    try {
  -      // INSERT
  -      if ( action.equals("INSERT")) {
  -        // get a new docid
  -        if ( docid == null ) {
  -          String sitecode = getSitecode();
  -          String uniqueid = getUniqueID(sitecode);
  -          return sitecode + sep + uniqueid;
  -        // docid is used; throw an exception to prevent the insertion
  -        } else if ( accNumberUsed(docid) ) {
  -          throw new AccessionNumberException
  -                    ("Accession number " + docid + " is already in use");
  -        // rev is <> 1; throw an exception to prevent the insertion
  -        } else if ( !rev.equals("1") ) {
  -          throw new AccessionNumberException
  -                    ("Revision number must be 1");
  -        // docid is not used and rev=1; return it
  -        } else {
  -          return docid;
  -        }
  -      // UPDATE or DELETE
  -      } else if ( action.equals("UPDATE") || action.equals("DELETE")) {
  -        // Accession# is not provided; throw an exception to prevent the action
  -        if ( docid == null ) {
  -          throw new AccessionNumberException("Accession number is required");
  -        // Accession# is not current (not in xml_documents); throw an exception
  -        } else if ( !accNumberIsCurrent(docid) ) {
  -          throw new AccessionNumberException
  -          ("Document not found for Accession number " + docid);
  -        // Revision number is not the recent one; throw an exception
  -        } else if ( !rev.equals(getLastRevision(docid)) ) {
  -          throw new AccessionNumberException
  -          ("Revision number must be the recent");
  -        // Accession# is current (present in xml_documents); return it
  -        } else {
  -          return docid;
  -        }
  -      }
  -    } catch (SQLException e) {
  -      throw new SQLException
  -      ("Error on AccessionNumber.generate(): " + e.getMessage());
  -    }
  -    // never comes here
  -    throw new
  -    AccessionNumberException("Fatal Error in accession number generation");
  -  }
  -  // get local sitecode
  -  private String getSitecode()
  -  {
  -    return this.sitecode;
  -  }
  -  // get Unique ID from DB sequence
  -  private String getUniqueID (String sitecode) throws SQLException
  -  {
  -    String uniqueid;
  -    String sysdate = dbAdapter.getDateTimeFunction();
  -    DBConnection conn = null;
  -    int serialNumber = -1;
  -    try {
  -      PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
  -      //check out DBConnection
  -      conn=DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection("AccessionNumber.getUniqueID");
  -      serialNumber=conn.getCheckOutSerialNumber();
  -      pstmt = conn.prepareStatement
  -              ("INSERT INTO accession_number (site_code, date_created) " +
  -               "VALUES (?, " + sysdate + ")");
  -      pstmt.setString(1, sitecode);
  -      pstmt.execute();
  -      pstmt.close();
  -      uniqueid = "" + dbAdapter.getUniqueID(conn.getConnections(),
  -                                                          "accession_number");
  -      //because we only count the connection usage one when it check in
  -      //but it use twice. So we need to increase one
  -      conn.increaseUsageCount(1);
  -    } catch (SQLException e) {
  -      throw new
  -      SQLException("Error on AccessionNumber.getUniqueID(): "+e.getMessage());
  -    }
  -    finally
  -    {
  -      DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(conn, serialNumber);
  -    }
  -    return uniqueid;
  -  }
     /** check for existence of Accesssion Number xml_acc_numbers table */
     public static boolean accNumberUsed ( String accNumber )
                     throws SQLException {
  @@ -435,38 +299,6 @@
  -    return rev;
  -  }
  -  // get the next revision number for docid
  -  private String getNextRevision(String docid) throws SQLException
  -  {
  -    String rev = "";
  -    DBConnection conn = null;
  -    int serialNumber = -1;
  -    try {
  -      PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
  -      //check out DBConnection
  -      conn=DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection("AccessionNumber.getNextRevision");
  -      serialNumber=conn.getCheckOutSerialNumber();
  -      pstmt = conn.prepareStatement
  -              ("SELECT rev+1 FROM xml_documents WHERE docid='" + docid + "'");
  -      pstmt.execute();
  -      ResultSet rs = pstmt.getResultSet();
  -      boolean hasRow = rs.next();
  -      rev = rs.getString(1);
  -      pstmt.close();
  -    } catch (SQLException e) {
  -      throw new SQLException(
  -      "Error on AccessionNumber.getNextRevision(): " + e.getMessage());
  -    }
  -    finally
  -    {
  -      DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(conn, serialNumber);
  -    }
       return rev;

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