[metacat-cvs] metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat DBConnectionPool.java

Saurabh Garg sgarg at ecoinformatics.org
Fri Nov 18 13:08:01 PST 2005

sgarg       05/11/18 13:08:00

  Modified:    src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat DBConnectionPool.java
  Moved printMessage statements to inside the if loop so that they are not printed each time getInstance is called
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.18      +18 -18    metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/DBConnectionPool.java
  Index: DBConnectionPool.java
  RCS file: /cvs/metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/DBConnectionPool.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.17
  retrieving revision 1.18
  diff -u -r1.17 -r1.18
  --- DBConnectionPool.java	2 Nov 2005 19:07:07 -0000	1.17
  +++ DBConnectionPool.java	18 Nov 2005 21:08:00 -0000	1.18
  @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
    *    Release: @release@
    *   '$Author: sgarg $'
  - *     '$Date: 2005/11/02 19:07:07 $'
  - * '$Revision: 1.17 $'
  + *     '$Date: 2005/11/18 21:08:00 $'
  + * '$Revision: 1.18 $'
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  @@ -95,24 +95,24 @@
     public static synchronized DBConnectionPool getInstance()
                                    throws SQLException 
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                      ("MaximumConnectionNumber: "+MAXIMUMCONNECTIONNUMBER);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                     ("Intial connection number: "+INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                 ("Increated connection Number: "+INCREASECONNECTIONNUMBER);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                  ("Maximum connection age: "+MAXIMUMAGE);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                  ("Maximum connection time: "+MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -                  ("Maximum usage count: "+MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -             ("Running recycle thread or not: "+DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD);
  -    MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  -             ("Cycle time of recycle: "+CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION); 
       if (instance == null) {
         instance = new DBConnectionPool();
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("MaximumConnectionNumber: "+MAXIMUMCONNECTIONNUMBER);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Intial connection number: "+INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Increated connection Number: "+INCREASECONNECTIONNUMBER);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Maximum connection age: "+MAXIMUMAGE);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Maximum connection time: "+MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Maximum usage count: "+MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Running recycle thread or not: "+DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD);
  +      MetaCatUtil.printMessage
  +      	("Cycle time of recycle: "+CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION); 
       return instance;

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