[metacat-cvs] metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat DBSAXHandler.java

Saurabh Garg sgarg at ecoinformatics.org
Thu Nov 10 13:38:52 PST 2005

sgarg       05/11/10 13:38:52

  Modified:    src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat DBSAXHandler.java
  removed the indexing code from DBSAXHandler
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.104     +4 -117    metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/DBSAXHandler.java
  Index: DBSAXHandler.java
  RCS file: /cvs/metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/DBSAXHandler.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.103
  retrieving revision 1.104
  diff -u -r1.103 -r1.104
  --- DBSAXHandler.java	2 Nov 2005 18:31:32 -0000	1.103
  +++ DBSAXHandler.java	10 Nov 2005 21:38:52 -0000	1.104
  @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
    *    Release: @release@
    *   '$Author: sgarg $'
  - *     '$Date: 2005/11/02 18:31:32 $'
  - * '$Revision: 1.103 $'
  + *     '$Date: 2005/11/10 21:38:52 $'
  + * '$Revision: 1.104 $'
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
    * call when processing the XML stream and generating events.
   public class DBSAXHandler extends DefaultHandler implements LexicalHandler,
  -        DeclHandler, Runnable
  +        DeclHandler
       protected boolean atFirstElement;
  @@ -97,8 +97,6 @@
       protected String pub = null;
  -    protected Thread xmlIndex;
       private boolean endDocument = false;
       protected int serverCode = 1;
  @@ -116,7 +114,6 @@
       protected static final int MAXDATACHARS = 4000;
       //protected static final int MAXDATACHARS = 50;
  -    protected static final long INDEXDELAY = 10000;
       // methods writeChildNodeToDB, setAttribute, setNamespace,
       // writeTextForDBSAXNode will increase endNodeId.
  @@ -215,7 +212,6 @@
           this.groups = groups;
           this.pub = pub;
           this.serverCode = serverCode;
  -        this.xmlIndex = new Thread(this);
       /** SAX Handler that receives notification of beginning of the document */
  @@ -440,116 +436,7 @@
               hasTriple = true;
               currentTriple = new Triple();
  -    }
  -    public void runIndexingThread(){
  -        boolean useXMLIndex =
  -            (new Boolean(MetaCatUtil.getOption("usexmlindex"))).booleanValue();
  -        if (useXMLIndex && !isRevisionDoc) {
  -            try {
  -                xmlIndex.start();
  -            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
  -                xmlIndex = null;
  -                logMetacat.error("Error in DBSAXHandler.runIndexingThread() "
  -                        + e.getMessage());
  -            }
  -        }
  -    }
  -    /*
  -     * Run a separate thread to build the XML index for this document.  This
  -     * thread is run asynchronously in order to more quickly return control to
  -     * the submitting user.  The run method checks to see if the document has
  -     * been fully inserted before trying to update the xml_index table.
  -     */
  -    public void run()
  -    {
  -        try {
  -            if (!isRevisionDoc)
  -            {
  -             // stop 5 second
  -             Thread.sleep(5000);
  -             //make sure record is done
  -             checkDocumentTable();
  -             // Build the index for this document
  -             currentDocument.buildIndex();
  -            }
  -        } catch (Exception e) {
  -            logMetacat.error("Error in DBSAXHandler.run "
  -                    + e.getMessage());
  -        }
  -    }
  -    /*
  -     * method to make sure insert is finished before create index table If new
  -     * version of record is in xml_documents every thing will be fine
  -     */
  -    private void checkDocumentTable() throws Exception
  -    {
  -        DBConnection dbConn = null;
  -        int serialNumber = -1;
  -        try {
  -            // Opening separate db connection for writing XML Index
  -            dbConn = DBConnectionPool
  -                    .getDBConnection("DBSAXHandler.checkDocumentTable");
  -            serialNumber = dbConn.getCheckOutSerialNumber();
  -            // the following while loop construct checks to make sure that
  -            // the docid of the document that we are trying to index is already
  -            // in the xml_documents table. if this is not the case, the foreign
  -            // key relationship between xml_documents and xml_index is
  -            // temporarily broken causing multiple problems.
  -            boolean inxmldoc = false;
  -            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  -            while (!inxmldoc) {
  -                String xmlDocumentsCheck = "select distinct docid from xml_documents"
  -                        + " where docid ='"
  -                        + docid
  -                        + "' and "
  -                        + " rev ='"
  -                        + revision + "'";
  -                PreparedStatement xmlDocCheck = dbConn
  -                        .prepareStatement(xmlDocumentsCheck);
  -                // Increase usage count
  -                dbConn.increaseUsageCount(1);
  -                xmlDocCheck.execute();
  -                ResultSet doccheckRS = xmlDocCheck.getResultSet();
  -                boolean tableHasRows = doccheckRS.next();
  -                if (tableHasRows) {
  -                    logMetacat.info(
  -                            "=========== found the correct document");
  -                    inxmldoc = true;
  -                }
  -                doccheckRS.close();
  -                xmlDocCheck.close();
  -                // make sure the while loop will be ended in reseaonable time
  -                long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  -                if ((stopTime - startTime) > INDEXDELAY) { 
  -                  	logMetacat.warn("Couldn't find the docid for index build in "
  -                            + "reseaonable time!");
  -                	throw new Exception(
  -                        "Couldn't find the docid for index build in "
  -                                + "reseaonable time!"); 
  -                }
  -            }//while
  -        } catch (Exception e) {
  -            try {
  -                dbConn.rollback();
  -                //dbconn.close();
  -            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
  -            }
  -            logMetacat.error("Error in DBSAXHandler.checkDocumentTable "
  -                    + e.getMessage());
  -        } finally {
  -            DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(dbConn, serialNumber);
  -        }//finally
  -    }
  +    }    
       /** SAX Handler that is called for each XML text node */
       public void characters(char[] cbuf, int start, int len) throws SAXException

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