[metacat-cvs] metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat MetacatReplication.java

Jing Tao tao at ecoinformatics.org
Tue Nov 8 10:21:00 PST 2005

tao         05/11/08 10:21:00

  Modified:    src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat MetacatReplication.java
  Fixed bug to get docid list.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.78      +8 -7      metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/MetacatReplication.java
  Index: MetacatReplication.java
  RCS file: /cvs/metacat/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/MetacatReplication.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.77
  retrieving revision 1.78
  diff -u -r1.77 -r1.78
  --- MetacatReplication.java	2 Nov 2005 23:52:42 -0000	1.77
  +++ MetacatReplication.java	8 Nov 2005 18:21:00 -0000	1.78
  @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
    *    Release: @release@
    *   '$Author: tao $'
  - *     '$Date: 2005/11/02 23:52:42 $'
  - * '$Revision: 1.77 $'
  + *     '$Date: 2005/11/08 18:21:00 $'
  + * '$Revision: 1.78 $'
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  @@ -1182,15 +1182,16 @@
         // Get correct docid that reside on this server according the requesting
         // server's replicate and data replicate value in xml_replication table
  -      docsql.append("select docid, rev, doctype from xml_documents ");
  +      docsql.append("select docid, rev, doctype from xml_documents where (docid not in (select a.docid from xml_documents a, xml_revisions b where a.docid=b.docid and a.rev<=b.rev)) ");
         revisionSql.append("select docid, rev, doctype from xml_revisions ");
         // If the localhost is not a hub to the remote server, only replicate
         // the docid' which home server is local host (server_location =1)
         if (!serverList.getHubValue(server))
  -        String serverLocation = "where server_location = 1";
  -        docsql.append(serverLocation);
  -        revisionSql.append(serverLocation);
  +    	String serverLocationDoc = " and server_location = 1";
  +        String serverLocationRev = "where server_location = 1";
  +        docsql.append(serverLocationDoc);
  +        revisionSql.append(serverLocationRev);
         logMetacat.info("Doc sql: "+docsql.toString());

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