[kepler-dev] Re: [seek-dev] testing Ecogrid services in Kepler!?

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Wed Oct 13 16:04:30 PDT 2004


Thanks for the prompt reply. This sounds very cool.

A question in the general Kepler (not SEEK only) context is this: Will
there be alternative ways to query data sources that are not Ecogrid
sources? Of course the purpose of the Ecogrid registry was (I remember
well) to precisely be the "mother of grids".

Maybe we can ultimately rename Ecogrid to Datagrid or KeplerDataGrid
something to not scare our non-eco Kepler users (hey, I'm doing this
chemistry, geologie, astrophysics, genomics stuff -- why would I put
it on the Ecogrid??? ;-)

Also could one envision (for Kepler) to have different "data tabs" or
one data tab that can be connected to different data grids? 
For example a native Metacat data tab, a native SRB data tab etc? 

The disadvantage (that the Ecogrid overcomes) is that different APIs
would have to be implemented. But actually once in Kepler the
difference seems to disappear.
The advantage would be that additional functions might be available.

Anyways, just an observation...


>>>>> "MJ" == Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
MJ> Hi Bertram,
MJ> They already are being put into Kepler, but as part of the UI rather 
MJ> than as actors.  Adding them as actors too wouldn't be a problem, but it 
MJ> hasn't been our emphasis yet.
MJ> By selecting the 'Data' tab, typing a phrase, and hitting 'Go' you run 
MJ> an ecogrid "query".  Dragging a resulting data object to the canvas 
MJ> results in running an EcoGrid "get".  We have not yet exposed the 
MJ> "authenticate" or "put" routines, but soon we will.  Bing and Jing are 
MJ> working on getting the registry exposed in Kepler so that you can choose 
MJ> which EcoGrid nodes are searched and accessible, but for now the nodes 
MJ> are in a configuration file.  Eventually I'd like this interface to 
MJ> include all of the appropriate data access systems (e.g., JDBC, etc.), 
MJ> but for now its just EcoGrid.
MJ> Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>> For example, sth like this:
>> [authenticate]-->[query]-->[get]->[some_local_update]->[put]
>> Is that a meaningful exercise? It seems in this way we could not only
>> test and debug Ecogrid functions but also communicate to the outside
>> world some functionality...
MJ> Yep, I think that would be very meaningful.  We're close.  Of course, 
MJ> some EcoGrid systems support all of those calls (Metacat, SRB) while 
MJ> others only support a subset (DiGIR).  So the system needs to fail 
MJ> gracefully for those that don't.
MJ> Matt
MJ> -- 
MJ> -------------------------------------------------------------------
MJ> Matt Jones                                     jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
MJ> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Fax: 425-920-2439    Ph: 907-789-0496
MJ> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
MJ> University of California Santa Barbara
MJ> Interested in ecological informatics? http://www.ecoinformatics.org
MJ> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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