[kepler-dev] RE: compilation error patch

Ilkay Altintas altintas at sdsc.edu
Fri Mar 12 11:20:23 PST 2004

Hi Xiaowen,

Thanks for the patch. I'll try it.

Let's have a telecon at 2pm this afternoon.
You can call me at my office.

Office Phone: (858) 822-5453

-----Original Message-----
From: Xiaowen Xin [mailto:xin2 at llnl.gov]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 9:35 AM
To: altintas at sdsc.edu
Cc: kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
Subject: compilation error patch

Hi Ilkay,

I looked further into the compilation error with Kepler that I had
earlier, and it looks like there are 11 classes in Kepler that do some
of the initialization of instance variables outside of the constructor,
inside the class definition.  Since the initialization of these
variables could actually cause an exception to be thrown, my java
compiler refuses to compile these classes.  I believe all of these
classes have only one constructor, so it shouldn't make a difference if
I move this initialization code inside the constructor.  I've attached a
patch that does that; please try applying it:

1. switch to your kepler directory at your shell prompt
2. type patch -p1 < kepler.patch

I'm told that my CVS account doesn't have write-access, so if you find
that this patch is acceptable, please commit it to CVS.

Also, Dave and I will be in our offices after 1:00pm today, do you have
time to do a teleconference with us?  I think in this case it would be
easier to compare notes that way since there is a lot to talk about.


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