[kepler-dev] Thoughts on an "R' Actor

Christopher Hylands Brooks cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 10 16:29:44 PDT 2004

Instead of calling Exec, I suggest creating a Java Native Interface to
R.  The Ptolemy/Matlab interface uses JNI.  

The advantage to a JNI interface is that you can have tighter coupling
with R or Matlab

The Java Exec interface is tricky to use, since command line parsing
gets tricky, and the semantics of reading and writing to a process can
be strange.  You could use files to tranfer data to and from R, but
this can get tricky as well.  

In Ptolemy Classic, we had some common infrastructure that allowed
us to interface to Matlab and Mathematica.  Perhaps we could build
on the Matlab interface?

There is also code in $PTII/jni that makes it fairly easy to wrap
C functions.  Right now, the UI is broken, but the backend works.

I wrote an Exec actor in Ptolemy II 4.0, and frankly, I'm not proud of
it. It does the minimal, it executes a sub process and gets the result.
I tried hacking around with a better actor that was more complex, but
ran in to problems.  It seems like using PN to read and write data is
probably the way to go.  I was disappointed that I could not implement
an interactive shell.  I was surprised that Unix pipes, something I've
trivially used forever, is a little tricky to implement in sdf.

I'm not particularly wedded to this version of the Exec actor, 
in the end, we decided to have something simple.

On Feb 25, 2004, I wrote the following to the ptolemy internal mailing

> I simplified the Exec actor so that fire() does not return until 
> the subprocess returns.  
> This change makes it impossible to use this actor to invoke bash once
> and send different commands to the same bash process repeatidly -
> so, we cannot use the InteractiveShell to invoke commands in
> the same running bash process, we would need to start a separate
> process for each command.  To use InteractiveShell, we would need to
> have some sort of PN specific version of Exec (which I did not
> implement).
> I left the command parameter as a PortParameter so that the
> I can invoke the actor over an over with a different command line.
> This makes it possible to write "Run all demos" as a model.
> There is such a model in the test suite.
> Now, if the subprocess terminates with a non-zero value, fire() throws
> an exception.
> Also, I made the environment parameter be a record, though this change
> does make the code more complex.
> Also, I looked into sending and end-of-transmission (EOT) character
> as a way of terminating a cat process.  EOT is Control-D or \04.
> I can send a \04 character, but cat does not seem to notice
> and it does not terminate.
> The following example illustrates the problem.
> I create a text file that has an embedded Control-D char and
> run it through cat and cat does not care.  
> cxh at maury 85% cat controld.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
>     printf("%s%c%s", "foo", 4, "bar");
> }
> cxh at maury 86% cc controld.c
> cxh at maury 87% a.out > controld.txt
> cxh at maury 88% od -c controld.txt
> 0000000   f   o   o 004   b   a   r
> 0000007
> cxh at maury 89% cat <controld.txt
> foobarcxh at maury 90% 
> I think Control-D handling is done in the shell.
> I could modify Exec so that when it sees a Control-D it terminates the
> process, but this would terminate the subprocess too soon if the
> process was very long running.  



    Hi All,
    I have been working on trying to understand some of the details of the R 
    system (http://www.r-project.org/) and how it might be integrated into 
    Kepler. For those who are unfamiliar with R, "R is a system for 
    statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a 
    run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system 
    functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files." 
    (from the "R FAQ"). R is a powerful system for statistical and other 
    calculations. It is comparable to Matlab or SAS but has the advantage of 
    being free, easily extended, and available for PCs, Macs (OS X), and 
    Unix systems. There are also numerous extensions from a variety of 
    sources. It thus appears to be fairly widely accepted and used by 
    numerous researchers.
    A first-cut on building an R actor would seem to be to use a local 
    version of R (since it can be freely installed on almost any computer) 
    and run it as a sub-process to Kepler. An obvious method for doing this 
    is to use one of the CommandLine/Exec actors.
    I say 'one of ...' because there are at least 2 existing actors for 
    running arbitrary subprocesses from within Kepler/Ptolemy.  The 
    "CommandLine" actor can be found in the the Kepler graph editor tree 
    under "actors/kepler/spa/CommandLine". The author listed in the source 
    is Ilkay Altintas, and this actor runs under the 3.0.2 version of 
    Ptolemy/Kepler. A second similar actor, called "Exec" is included with 
    the Ptolemy 4.0Beta release under "MoreLibraries/Esoteric/Exec". The 
    Exec actor was written for Ptolemy 4 by Chris Brooks and (I think) uses 
    some new features that are not available in version 3.0.2. 
    [Specifically, there is an "Expert Mode" for setting additional parameters.
    Both the CommandLine and Exec actors use the Java 'exec' method to 
    launch a subprocess. They differ in the details, however. CommandLine 
    actually  launches a command processor ('cmd.exe/command.exe' on Windows 
    and 'sh' on Mac/Linux) so that  the command entered by a user is 
    essentially identical to that entered in a terminal window to launch a 
    process. This can include I/O redirection like "< myfile.in". In the 
    Exec actor, the command follows the underlying  Java method more closely 
    and has ports for input and output streams. The command string cannot 
    include redirection. Both actors wait for the subprocess to finish 
    before their 'fire' action completes.
    Now consider just how we might integrate R into Kepler. R can be run in 
    an interactive mode (start up; type a command; see response; type 
    another command) or in a batch mode (start R with a script file which 
    has a series of command and write the results to an output file). 
    Creating an R workflow in the batch mode is fairly easy. A screen shot 
    of a workflow which uses the CommandLine actor to run R to create a jpeg 
    plot and then display it shown below.
    The script file used in the example is:
    x <- seq(-10, 10, length = 50)
    y <- x
    rotsinc <- function(x, y) {
        sinc <- function(x) {
            y <- sin(x)/x
            y[is.na(y)] <- 1
        10 * sinc(sqrt(x^2 + y^2))
    sinc.exp <- expression(z == Sinc(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)))
    z <- outer(x, y, rotsinc)   
    jpeg(filename = "RTest.jpg", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = 12,
         quality = 75, bg = "white")
    par(bg = "white")
    persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue")
    It can be seen in this batch approach that one can get the results from 
    an R calculation from the output stream or from a file created by R that 
    is then read by other Kepler actors. A problem comes up, however, if one 
    considers how to dynamically input instructions/data to R. In batch 
    mode, this could require the dynamic creation of script files, although 
    it would be nicer if ports for inputing data/instructions existed for an 
    R actor. One thus has the question of how to import information from 
    other parts of a workflow to an R actor.
    And what about using R in an interactive mode? Both the CommandLine 
    actor and the Exec actor start a subprocess and then wait for it to 
    finish. This means that the R code is loaded, executed, and then removed 
    from memory.  For an interactive environment (or for the case where the 
    R calculation is repeatedly executed). it would be desirable to only 
    load R once!  There doesn't seem to any reason why  the R process has to 
    be stopped between firings. One could keep the process in memory (a 
    static variable?) and simply read the input stream, execute it, write 
    the output to the output stream, and then wait for the next input as 
    part of a fire event.  [Or perhaps there needs to be some class level R 
    actor and a set of instances that do certain calculations by 
    communicating with the class actor???]
    In any case, it is possible to simulate an interactive R session using 
    save/load workspace options when starting and ending an R session. But 
    it would be useful if the CommandLine actor had an 'inport' port to 
    receive commands. Also, it might be useful if the Exec actor really had 
    input and output streams instead of the String tokens currently used (to 
    handle long inputs).
    That ends these semi-random thoughts for now.
    Any comments or suggestions?
    Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
    http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-892-2531
    National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) 
    735 State Street - Room 205
    Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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