[Invest-forum] P factor for urban(izing) study area

noreply at ecoinformatics.org noreply at ecoinformatics.org
Mon Feb 28 13:25:04 PST 2011

P factor for urban(izing) study area


    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can provide insight into a reasonable
   way to calculate the P factors. Based on what I've learned it seems
   the P factor is a measure of avoiding some level or erosion based on a
   management practice - typically contouring. So, from my 1/2 day
   exploration of this it seems like there should not be a P factor on
   land types that do not have a management practice designed to reduce
   erosion, so they should be applied only to agriculture areas. However,
   the sample data from the Willamette Valley does have P factors for
   residential land types, counter-intuitive to what I gathered (though
   it is relatively small...). Is there a data source for any of these P
   factors or an explanation of why they were chosen? Any help here would
   be great Thanks again! Kevin

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