[Invest-forum] Calculating erodibility

noreply at ecoinformatics.org noreply at ecoinformatics.org
Thu Feb 24 08:50:03 PST 2011

Re: Calculating erodibility


    Hello, Digging a bit deeper into soil erobility (K), I found that an
   attribute, kffact, is included in the SSURGO data (in the chorizon
   table) that is the K factor. So, I think this is going to be the K
   factor I use UNLESS there is some benefit to using the calculation as
   suggested in the appendix - this part was unclear to me. If there is a
   benefit to using the InVEST equation could someone please explain?
   Alternatively, is the equation just suppose to be used when K factor
   is not available? Thanks, Kevin

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