[Invest-forum] Very strange carbon results

noreply at ecoinformatics.org noreply at ecoinformatics.org
Tue Feb 1 08:55:04 PST 2011

Very strange carbon results


    Has anyone else ever run across the following situation? I'm running
   a baseline LULC + 2 scenarios, an "open" and "constrained"
   development. When I manually tally up the LULC cover and multiply by
   the per-pixel carbon storage values in the InVEST carbon table, I get
   greater carbon sequestration in the constrained development scenario
   (no surprise there). Yet, when I run InVEST, I get greater
   sequestration in the open development scenario - which is both
   non-intuitive and contrary to my manually calculated results. Is there
   any reason why this should be the case? I've read through and think I
   have a firm grasp of the model assumptions, so I'm at a loss to
   explain why this would be the case. Thanks, Ken

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